Kempen Aircraft Maintenance can provide maintenance for:
► European (EASA) registered aircraft.
• Guernsey (2-REG) registered aircraft
• Isle of Man (M-) registered aircraft
• San Marino (T7-) registered aircraft
For more information see: Maintenance according EASA Part 145 regulations
► American (FAA) registered aircraft.
For more information see: Maintenance according FAA 14 CFR Part 145 regulations
► National (Annex I) registered aircraft.
For more information see: Maintenance according National Regulations (Annex I)
Approved Trainee Organization:
Well-trained maintenance engineers are of great importance to us, so we are a recognized SBB trainee organization. Therefore, we continuously offer an internship to enable us to transfer our accumulated knowledge to a future generation of maintenance engineers, so that your aircraft stays in good hands with us in the future.