Language Proficiency Exam (LPE)

Language Proficiency Exam (LPE)

As of March 5, 2008, holders of PPL, CPL, CFEL and ATPL with the General Radio Telephony (RT) license must comply with ICAO language proficiency requirements. From that date, the language proficiency will be recorded on the certificate of competence. The implementation of the language proficiency note has been recorded in the Decree of Civil Aviation Authority Decree, as of March 5, 2008.

ICAO has defined six language proficiency levels

ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale:

  • ICAO level 1 (Pre-Elementary)
  • ICAO level 2 (Elementary)
  • ICAO level 3 (Pre-Operational)
  • ICAO level 4 (Operational)
  • ICAO level 5 (Extended)
  • ICAO level 6 (Expert)

For holders of the above-mentioned licenses, ICAO Level 4 (Operational) is defined as the minimum level to be met. This corresponds to the level HAVO-5 plus English phraseology that is required for the overall radio telephony qualification. The language proficiency level of the candidate is determined by means of a language proficiency test. The candidate is judged by pronunciation, structure of language, vocabulary, well-being, comprehension and interaction. The results will be given the same day. FOLLOWING EXAMINATION December 12. 2024, APPLY VIA +31 (0) 495-697949.